Happy 4th of July!
Happy 4th of July to all!
July 3rd
Gloucester has this strange tradition of celebrating the 4th of July on the 3rd?!?! With that, I decided to take Thursday, July 3rd off from work and to spend the day with Cameron up in Gloucester visiting family. Daddy had to work, so Cameron and I were flying solo. We had a lovely time. We spent a while up Nana B’s pool swimming and splashing with cousin Bella and Kerri, Nana Lisa, uncle Ricky, Papa Rick, “Titi” Rhonda, and many others.

After Cameron’s nice nap we headed over to Aunty Cindy’s and Uncle Pope’s BBQ. We had a great time and yummy meal there, and Cameron was excited to see Grampy, Nonna, Uncle Bobby, Uncle Shawn, and Vita.

Afterwards, we headed off to watch the parade with Grampy, Nonna and Uncle Bobby. Cousin Bella, Kerri, Tony, Cindy, Pope, and Jen also watched the parade with us. Cameron loved the parade, though it was cut short due to a rainstorm that came through about 15-20 minutes after the parade reached us. This was Cameron’s first time in a year that he missed his bedtime, and boy did he miss it. His current bedtime is 6:30pm, but we didn’t even leave Gloucester until 8:30pm. He passed out in the car halfway home, and went straight to bed when we got in at 9:30pm. He slept through the night (unlike the last time he missed his bedtime a year ago, he was up every hour on the hour that time, and at the time we decided it wasn’t worth missing his bedtime if that was the result) and woke up a little smidge later than he normally does. As a side note: I don’t think Cameron has ever slept in to 7am, him sleeping in until 6:30am is a big treat in our house.

July 4th
On the morning of July 4th we took Cameron to the Franklin Park Zoo. We had such a great time, and Cameron loved every minute of it (ok, well he didn’t love the minutes immediately following having to get off the carousel, but what kid does?). We spent a few solid hours there and were all pooped by the time we got to the car. Cameron passed out in the car before we even hit the highway, and took a nice long nap when we got home. After Cameron’s nap we headed over to Nana and Papa’s house for their holiday BBQ. We hung out there for a bit before crashing at home for the evening.

Remainder of the weekend
The remainder of our long holiday weekend was fairly uneventful. Craig went golfing Saturday morning so I took Cameron to the mall. We both got a few new things before heading home to lounge. Throw a little poker in Saturday evening and out to breakfast Sunday morning and that was our weekend.
That sounds like a great way to spend a weekend
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