A reflection...
So life is full of ups and downs. It is how you roll with those changes that defines who you are is what I am coming to believe more and more as time passes. "Everything is temporary" is so true (voiced by my stepfather growing up)... so it doesn't matter if things are horrible, it is only temporary, but something also to remember when you feel at the top of the world. Appreciate what you have today because tomorrow it may be gone.
No I don't claim to be some philosopher, nor do I claim to have come up with any of these thoughts... but I do feel I am becoming more a believer in them.
So Craig is out of work, what can I do about it other than be supportive and do my best to help Craig find his new path? Am I growing up? Maturing? Not sure, but I am sure that the last time this happened I was super freaked out and it is in my nature to worry... so I am happy to be able to say that I am taking this well and am actually somewhat happy that it happened.
This changes things though. Craig and I were going to "talk" again in March about possibly "trying" (not necessarily then but set a possibly timeframe on when). Part of my readiness is the ability to stay home for a period of time with a baby IF that is what I wanted. A big IF. I take into consideration finances, although many say you will never be ready if you wait for the "right" time. I wanted to see in March what we would have in savings (current savings + tax refund + Craig's bonus that he was eligible for)... well now the possible bonus, which was large I mind you, is no longer an option (on top of no income, just unemployment which I guess is at least something). So that leaves our current savings + tax refund. I am super curious as to what the refund may be, but don't have a good clue since we never had a full year of paying interest on a mortgage. So I guess in March we will still plan to evaluate the situation and maybe make some form of a decision?!?!?! That still freaks me out.
So for now we will enjoy what we have, spend time with friends and family, play some poker and do what we want when we want.
Looking forward to our vacation in early February.
Happy Monday to all!
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